With the 2024 Presidential and local elections around the corner, don't forget to register to vote! The Village Hall and the Library are both able to assist you with voter registration. Click here to learn more>>
Several areas within the District are currently experiencing increased levels of West Nile Virus (WNV) within the adult mosquito population to the level where transmission to humans is likely. The species of mosquito involved in WNV transmission is a passive mosquito, and not an aggressive biter with its presence often undetected. Recent warm temperatures have created ideal conditions for the production of this mosquitospecies along with amplification of WNV. LEARN MORE>>>
Along with help from the GIS Consortium, we are happy to introduce the launch of the Community Map Viewer. This tool can be used to see your garbage pick up day, what school districts you are in, the zoning of a specific area and more!
The Villages of Bellwood, Berkeley, Broadview, Hillside, and Westchester have partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to develop the West Cook Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The partnership between the five communities will help create a complete and connected network of bikeways and sidewalks that will allow residents to access key destinations throughout the West Cook region.
The Corner Food Park is owned by the Village of Berkeley and operated by licensed food trucks at the corner of Hillside Avenue and St. Charles Rd. Licensing is available via four-month agreements. Located at 5544 St. Charles Rd. with nine spaces available, the site features RV electrical pedestals for each vendor while providing picnic tables for those who decide to “dine-in”. Site maintenance is the responsibility of the Village.
The corridor plan update focused on three (3) primary areas: improving and enhancing the physical built environment; strengthening economic vitality; and diversifying to serve local residents as well as draw visitors from the surrounding region.
The Village will hold its' annual electronic recycling event on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Please see the Village's Refuse page for additional information.