Garage Sale (Rummage or Estate) Regulations
- Any person wishing to hold a sale of any of the aforesaid type must register their sale with the Village of Berkeley. You may be required to show proof of residency. The registration shall contain the date(s) of said sale. Garage sales may be held between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
- Sales may not be held for more than three consecutive calendar days and are limited to three per calendar year, per residential dwelling unit.
- Signs shall not interfere with traffic, pedestrian safety, or infringe on the property rights of any third party. Signs shall not be attached to Village property such as light posts or fences. Such signs will be removed and disposed of. Signs should be removed within 24 hours after the sale. Failure to remove signs may result in a fine.
- The sale goods shall be limited to personal property owned by the resident of the premises who has registered their sale.
- The placard received from the Village shall be posted on the sale premises in a conspicuous place to be viewable by anyone upon a public street or sidewalk adjacent to the premises.
- Any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall result in the imposition of a fine. Each day a violation exists shall be considered a separate violation.
Garage Sale Registration Form must be filled out and presented at the Village Hall Office prior to any sale taking place. Everyone will be given a registration placard to be posted while having a sale.