St Charles Road Corridor Plan Update
The Village released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an update to the Village’s St. Charles Road Corridor Plan. The previous plan was last updated in 1999. The Village Board approved the proposal from Teska Associates to update the corridor plan. An additional benefit is Teska also completed the 1999 plan for the Village. In the previous 20 years since the Corridor Plan’s adoption, there have been many changes in demographics, economic trends, infrastructure conditions, and land uses along the Corridor and across the region.
The update to the corridor plan aimed to review and refresh the previous 1999 St. Charles Road Corridor Plan and update the development goals and objectives to align with recent demographic, market, and housing trends. The Village’s goal is to improve the physical condition and appearance of the Corridor, entice new development and redevelopment, improve pedestrian safety and walkability, and entice visitors from outside the Village to the area.Teska sought input from Village staff and elected officials, as well as discussions and in-person interviews with corridor residents, property owners and business operators. Through this process, existing land use and transportation patterns were reviewed, and current market trends were analyzed to arrive at a series of concrete actions and strategies that can be utilized to enhance and rejuvenate the corridor.
The corridor plan update focused on three (3) primary areas: improving and enhancing the physical built environment; strengthening economic vitality; and diversifying to serve local residents as well as draw visitors from the surrounding region. Below are the key recommendations from the St. Charles Road Corridor Plan:
- Encourage diverse commercial and mixed-use development that utilizes available land effectively to serve both the local residents of Berkeley as well as the surrounding region.
- Improve conditions and accessibility for all modes of transportation within and beyond the Corridor.
- Continue to explore locations for placemaking projects to enhance a sense of community and design the Corridor to be an attractive and active local and regional destination.
- Capitalize on available redevelopment opportunity sites and regional draws to reinvigorate the Corridor.
Project Study Area
The corridor plan area includes all of the St. Charles Road corridor in the Village of Berkeley from the easternmost border with Bellwood and Northlake to the westernmost border with the I-294 tollway. A representation of the study area is included on this page.
The corridor plan area includes all of the St. Charles Road corridor in the Village of Berkeley from the easternmost border with Bellwood and Northlake to the westernmost border with the I-294 tollway. A representation of the study area is included on this page.
Plan Adoption
The corridor plan was adopted at the July 18, 2023 Village Board meeting. A copy of the finalized plan is included on this page.
The corridor plan was adopted at the July 18, 2023 Village Board meeting. A copy of the finalized plan is included on this page.