
Water Service Line Inventory & Replacement Program

Public Hearing Notice

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has issued a Notice of Intent to issue a Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination (PEID) to the Village of Berkeley. The Village has applied to the IEPA Public Water Supply Loan Program to request funding to help finance lead service line replacement projects.

A Project Summary and PEID document provided by the IEPA is available for review on the Village’s website,, and at Village Hall at 5819 Electric Ave, Berkeley, IL 60163. The document contains the project locations, descriptions, costs, environmental impacts, and other information. A Public Hearing has been scheduled at the Village Hall on Tuesday, April 2, 2024  from 5:00pm to 6:00pm to present and receive comments on the proposed projects and PEID. To provide public comment, please open the EPA Comment Sheet below, fill out the form and drop it back off to Village Hall (5819 Electric Avenue). 


The Village is dedicated to providing the highest quality drinking water to its customers in the most reliable and professional manner. The goal of Village officials and staff is to achieve complete consumer confidence in our drinking water supply by maintaining a premier water system and open communication with our customers. The Village of Berkeley wants to assure its residents that Berkeley’s water is safe to drink and exceeds all Federal and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Standards for drinking water. To see if your home has a lead service line click on the interactive water map below and enter your address in the search box.


Berkeley receives their water from the Hillside-Berkeley Water Commission. Hillside-Berkeley Water Commission purchases purified water from the City of Chicago and delivers safe, clean drinking water daily to Berkeley. When the water leaves Hillside-Berkeley Water Commission’s water storage facility, there is no detectable lead in it. Lead is NOT present in the City of Chicago’s source water (Lake Michigan), nor is lead in the treated drinking water received by the Village of Berkeley. You receive your treated water through a water service line. The water service line runs from the Village water main into buildings and homes. The Village owns the service line up to the exterior shut-off valve or B-Box; from the exterior shut-off valve or B-Box into the home is the property owner's responsibility. Maintaining a water service line is therefore a shared responsibility between the Village and each customer.

For additional information please refer to the following: