Honorary Street Sign

The Honorary Street Sign Program allows citizens the opportunity to honor people that have made significant contributions to the Community. Honorary street names will be displayed for a three-year period. The sign will then be turned over to the respected applicant. Street designations will be determined on a case by case basis. Final approval is given by the Village Board. A completed application, plus applicable fee per sign must be submitted prior to approval.



Please submit the following items along with your request:

  • A completed application stating the designee and preferred location shall be received by Village Administration and recommended to the Village Board. The statement should indicate why a particular section of street has been requested for the honorary designation and required supporting documentation to support the request.
  • General location shall be limited to a single point or short segment with sign(s) posted at the point or near mid-block.
  • Payment of $50 for installation/material costs plus the cost to fabricate the sign is to be made to the Village of Berkeley. Once a quote is obtained to fabricate the sign, Village Administration will communicate that to the applicant obtaining their consent to continue moving forward with the application process. The fee must be paid before the final approval is considered before the Village Board.


  • The sign will be brown with white lettering. The Village logo will be in the left corner of the sign and the name will be displayed as, “NAME (John Doe) Way.”
  • The sign will be installed by Village staff and remain in place for a period of three (3) years.
  • Upon removal by Village crews, the sign will be given to the applicant and returned to the applicant.
  • If an honorary street sign is damaged by severe weather or other events, it will not be replaced.
  • Honorary Street Naming is restricted to two designations per fiscal year.


Please submit all required materials and this application to:

Village of Berkeley               

5819 Electric Avenue

Berkeley, Illinois 60163

Or via email: vobfinance@berkeley.il.us

**Please do not turn in payment until staff communicates the cost to fabricate the honorary street sign**