Code Enforcement and Property Maintenance
The Code Enforcement and Property Maintenance is a subsection of the Police Department has a primary function of maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for Berkeley residents by enforcing the codes and ordinances outlined by the Village. To ensure that the community remains beautiful and well-maintained, the Code Enforcement officer is charged with educating property owners about the more common violations to the Village codes as well as citing those properties out of compliance with Village ordinances.
As a means of resolving violations, a door hanger may be left at the location of a violation, with written instructions describing the type of violation, a suggested method of correction, and the number of days to meet compliance. A re-inspection of the property will determine if the violation has been corrected. If compliance is not met, then enforcement action will begin and may result in fines.
The inspection guidelines that the Village of Berkeley uses are:
- International Property Maintenance Code - 2012
- Electrical violations- 2011 National Electrical Code
- Plumbing violations-2014 State of Illinois Plumbing Code
- 2015 Energy Code
For a list of helpful tips on common code enforcement violations to avoid, click here.