Tree Trimming

The Public Works Forestry subsection trims trees and removes damaged or diseased trees throughout the year.  The Public Works Department is ONLY responsible for parkway trees and any tree that impacts the public right of way. The Public Works Department CANNOT trim trees on private property.

Tree trimming takes several forms. The most common procedure is from the ground using an extending pole-saw to raise the lowest branches of a tree to a level that is less likely to impact the right of way. In most cases, pole-saw crews are out to clear sidewalks and Village easements to allow safe passage for residents.   Any parkway tree suffering major damage due to violent storms should be reported to the Public Works Department immediately at 708-449-8840, as well as any parkway tree that block the public right of way or pose a potential danger to pedestrians or motorists.

Another form of tree trimming involves the use of a high lift and chainsaw to remove damaged limbs from the upper portion of the tree, create clearance from the middle of the tree to promote future growth, and removal of broken and dead branches to prevent the potential for dangerous conditions and falling objects. Residents should approach areas where tree trimming from the high lift are in process with extreme caution. The safety of both the workers and residents/vehicles should be the main concern when approaching these areas of work.

In instances where trees are removed due to disease or storm damage, the remaining stump will be grounded below ground level at a later date. The removal of the more potential danger to residents is the primary concern when a removal is called for. Once a large number of removals have taken place, stump grinding equipment is rented, the stump is removed and the parkway is filled with dirt and seeded. It is important to note that damage to trees should be reported as soon as possible to prevent potential threats to residents and/or homes.