Buffalo Boxes or B-Boxes
What is a Buffalo box?
Frequently asked questions regarding the Village of Berkeley Public Works Water Division:
What is a Buffalo box?
What about the water pipes in my own home?
What is an MIU / Water Meter Transmitter?
Automatic meter reading gives the meter reader the ability to read meters without entering your home. The meter reader uses a village vehicle, equipped with a handheld receiver/recorder, which receives a radio signal from the electronic transmitter attached to the water meter on the inside of your home.
What powers the reader? Will the battery need to be replaced in the future?
A small nickel cadmium battery powers the very small radio transmitter on the inside of the grey meter reading box and the life of each transmitter is expected to be approximately 8-10 years after installation, at which time the transmitter will need to be replaced.
What are the benefits of having this type of system?
This system allows the Village to get accurate, actual inside meter readings with no inconvenience to the homeowner beyond installation and replacement. The MIU transmitters provide accurate reads while the radio transmission itself should not interfere with any other devices.