Ambulance Reports - Billing Questions

Ambulance Reports - Billing Questions

Billing Service

Paramedic Billing Service, Inc. (PBS) handles all billing for the Berkeley Fire Department.  For questions on your billing, please contact PBS:

 Paramedic Billing Service, Inc.
395 W. Lake Street
P.O. Box 1368
Elmhurst IL  60126
 Phone: 630-530-2988
Fax: 630-832-9750
Paramedic Billing Service, Inc.
P.O. Box 6253
Carol Stream, IL 60197


Click here to be redirected to the online ambulance payment service provided by Paramedic Billing Service.


 Patient Request for Information:

If you are the patient and you would like to receive a copy of your Ambulance bill or Ambulance Run Report you will need to complete a Consent/Request Form This form can be printed from this site. 

Mail the original request with required documentation to the Pre-Legal Department of the Paramedic Billing Service at the above address.

There is no charge for this information, but the patient must sign the form.  If you are the spouse or legal guardian of the patient, please contact the Pre-Legal Department for additional information, contact number 630-903-2386.


 Attorney/Subpoena Request for Information

 To request patient information the following is required:

  1. Request in writing pertaining to Ambulance Records; include date of service, date of birth and patient’s name.
  2. HIPAA/Medical Release Form (if not the patient signature, please include Power of Attorney or Executor of Estate documents along with the Release Form).

 All requests should be directed to:

Berkeley Fire Department
c/o Paramedic Billing Service, Inc.
Pre-Legal Customer Service Department
395 W. Lake Street
P.O. Box 1368
Elmhurst, IL  60126
Phone: 630-903-2386
Fax: 630-903-2832


Please contact PBS with questions or for additional information.