Water & Sewer Billing

The Village of Berkeley purchases its' water from the Hillside-Berkeley Water Commission. From Chicago, the water travels through Melrose Park and through the Hillside-Berkeley Water Commission to the residents of Berkeley. Thus, the periodic increases in the Village’s water rates are directly impacted by rate increases imposed by these two organizations. The approved increases are as follows:

Water and Sewer Billing

As of June 1, 2024 (starting with bills going out approximately June 30, 2024) water rates are as follows:

  • 0-20,000 gallons of water per month ($13.25/monthly fixed fee charge and $10.48/per 1,000 gallons used)
  • 20,001-1,000,000 gallons of water per month ($13.51/monthly fixed fee charge and $10.69/per 1,000 gallons used)
  • 1,000,000+ gallons of water per month ($7.73/monthly fixed fee charge and $8.52/per 1,000 gallons used)


As of June 1, 2024 (starting with bills going out approximately June 30, 2024) sewer rates are as follows:.

  • 0-20,000 gallons of water per month ($7.75/monthly fixed fee charge and $1.45/per 1,000 gallons used)
  • 20,001-1,000,000 gallons of water per month ($7.91/monthly fixed fee charge and $1.48/per 1,000 gallons used)
  • 1,000,000+ gallons of water per month ($7.91/monthly fixed fee charge and $0.12/per 1,000 gallons used)


Final Water Meter Reads

Final meter reads are required when a home is being sold or when a tenant moves out of a rental property. Property owners should contact the Village of Berkeley at 708-449-8840 to schedule a final meter reading.  Final reads are conducted on an as-needed basis and should be scheduled at least one day prior to the required read date.


Utility Bill Name Changes

New homeowners should contact Village of Berkeley to establish the new account is in the proper name.

For rentals, the utility bill will remain in the property owner’s name. Landlords are held responsible for any unpaid utility bills.


Utility Bill Payment

The Village has developed the following ways for residents to quickly and conveniently pay their monthly utility bill.


Online Bill Payment
The online bill pay service is provided to residents for free. To sign up for the online bill pay system, residents must register at https://berkeleyil.merchanttransact.com/Login. Residents will need their bill when registering their account. When registering for the service, enter the name exactly as it appears on the monthly bill. The entire nine-digit account number must also be entered.

Please note: while the Village offers this service for free, the resident's banking institution may charge a fee. Please consult with that banking institution for any fees or charges for using this online service. The Village is not responsible for any fees a resident may incur for using this service.


Village Lockbox Service
Residents can place their payments in the envelope provided with their bills.  This envelope is addressed to a lockbox processing bank that credits payments sent to each residents water billing account.


Village Hall Drop Box
Residents can place their payments in the stainless steel box located in the parking lot across from the Village Hall (5819 Electric Avenue).


Visit the Village Hall
For those in need of a receipt, payments can always be made at the Village Hall (5819 Electric Avenue).


No matter which option a resident chooses to pay the utility bill, it is important to know that all payments received after the due date, as detailed in the bill, will be considered late. As a result, a 10% late fee will be applied to that account.