
Berkeley, Illinois is located just east of Elmhurst in highly desirable western suburbs of Chicago. Located just one-half block from both the Tri-State and Eisenhower expressways makes Berkeley easily accessible to neighboring towns and connecting interstate highways. Berkeley is home to approximately 5,209 residents.

The Village of Berkeley provides a variety of services to its citizens including:

Learn more about the community by reviewing the history and facts about Berkeley by clicking here.

Good Neighbor Guide

The Good Neighbor Guide offers information about the community as well as tips on how to be a good neighbor.  Download it here.

The foundation of a good neighborhood is the type of relationships established among its neighbors and the efforts taken to maintain and enhance the beauty of Berkeley. The first step in building a relationship is respecting those next door, down the street and around the corner.

While people have their own ideas of a good neighbor and a good neighborhood, there are some basic standards established either through the Village's code and zoning laws or through common courtesies that make life better in the community.

Quality Schools

Berkeley is part of several school districts that serve elementary and high school aged students, including: Berkeley School District #87, Hillside School District #93, and Proviso High School District #209. After graduating high school, students and adult learners have the opportunity to attend community college at Triton Community College District #504, which offers degrees and certifications in several areas of study.

Get Involved

The Village values resident input and participation in Berkeley. Get involved on one of the Village's many boards and commissions. If the resident can regularly commit to one of the boards or commissions, the Village can use their help. Please click here, e-mail, or call 708-449-8840 for details.


Electric: Commonwealth Edison
Water: Berkeley-Hillside Water Commission
Gas: Nicor
Cable: SBC/AT&T and/or Comcast
Refuse & Recycling: Roy Strom

DesPlaines Valley Mosquito


With the return of warm temperatures coupled with drier conditions during May, the production of mosquitoes involved in the transmission of West Nile Virus (WNV) is on the increase. WNV positive mosquito samples have been found in northern Cook County, and it is only a matter of time when positive samples will be found in our area. While the risk of WNV transmission is still low at this time, amplification of WNV within the adult mosquito population will occur.

Residents are encouraged to use a common sense approach in avoiding exposure to adult mosquitoes and any potential mosquito-borne diseases. Window screens should be inspected and repaired if damaged to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home. In addition, any openings around window air conditioners, clothes dryer vents, etc. should be eliminated for the same reason. If possible, avoid outdoor activities around dusk. If not possible, wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Loose fitting, light colored clothing is best. Appropriate use of insect repellents per manufacturer’s instructions is recommended.


Residents should look for potential mosquito breeding sources around the home and take the following simple steps:


1) Throw away all trash that can hold water as cans, jars, bottles, etc.

2) Clean rain gutters/downspouts to prevent water from standing in gutters or on flat roofs.

3) Change water in bird baths, wading pools, etc. at least once a week.

4) Maintain swimming pools properly.

5) Remove or turn over containers, buckets, wheel barrows, etc. which may accumulate water.

6) Screen rain barrels to prevent adult mosquitoes from depositing eggs on the water’s surface.

7) Aerate ornamental ponds and stock with goldfish or other surface-feeding fish to control

    mosquito production.

8) Dispose of any used tires without rims to prevent water accumulation.

 For additional information, please visit the District’s website at